Lean Six Sigma High School-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Naperville

Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Naperville High School Students

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Lean Six Sigma High School-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Naperville

Lean Six Sigma is often looked at as a methodology that only helps business professionals as the practitioners and companies as the party that gets the implementation and, thus, most of the results and benefits. However, it is being used by high school students to ensure that they are able to learn the methodology and boost their personal growth based on how valuable Sigma is today and how they can even build a career out of the method alone. Our team at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Naperville High School Students of Illinois provides a detailed walkthrough of the entire process and guarantees that students understand it all, so they reap the benefits of LSS.

Most people don’t know how LSS can benefit them in school and even at work. 

First, learning LSS enables students to be more disciplined and organized and to learn valuable skills that will allow them to choose from many career options in universities and in the workplace.

This knowledge can be used to help students obtain their credits for graduation. It all depends on the level they choose or better known as “belts” in Sigma.

Lean 6 Sigma is a popular tool for business professionals and high-ranking students. However, it is becoming more common in schools and universities, just like in businesses and companies aiming to train their workers,

LSS works with high school students because the principle behind it is that learning 6 Sigma will only benefit the person who is being trained. It won’t directly affect a company unless they have someone managing projects and implementing them properly, so it makes sense when you stop for a second and think about it. 

Students can benefit from Sigma at both the educational and professional levels, and they will learn to manage their time, problem solve and collaborate with others. This is all while you are learning everything about the LSS methodology, its principles, and the structure for its implementation.

LSS Should Be a Priority for High Schools

We are a company that provides Lean Six Sigma training for schools and students based on yellow and green belts. We understand how important it is to help you understand the value of this methodology before you make the decision to invest time and money in it.

LSS is an improvement-driven method that focuses on students improving themselves and learning new skills to help them in their daily lives and future jobs while giving them the opportunity to know how to implement such a crucial methodology for companies and businesses.

It will address the lack of experience students might have when compared to regular training or the lessons they learned during school years. This is because the practice can be difficult to attain even while a student is at college.

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Public schools and county school boards often do not care as much about providing more practice than theory.

Six Sigma is a valuable tool that can be used to help students have more options in the future, starting with the following benefits:

  • More career options.
  • There are many opportunities for employment in different fields and industries.
  • Earn credits towards graduation and college applications.
  • A higher salary is possible for any job.
  • They will learn valuable skills that you can use in your work and daily tasks.
  • Learn how to work in a group.
  • Learn how to work under pressure.

How We Teach LSS to Students

It all depends on the belt they choose and how they wish to use it. We will guide students on which option is best for them and how to help you instill a program for all students.

Each belt at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Pros of Naperville contains different information about Six Sigma. What you must keep in mind is that our green belt has the yellow belt as a prerequisite; it is recommended that students follow the standard levels to reap the benefits and learn everything according to plan.

A yellow belt covers the most important topics, while a green belt covers more complicated topics and tools regarding implementation. 

Through the yellow belt course, they will be able to improve their skills and grow and prepare for the future, and have more social interactions and relationships so they can move to the green belt without issues.

In team-based situations, green belts are useful because they can help you to work with others in a college or business—if you are the company reaping the benefits and in need of a practitioner at this level.

The outline and curriculum for students include all subjects and hours. After training is complete, students will receive their certification. This certification can be used for future credits or to help them apply for jobs and obtain certain positions.